The Real Time Canine II

After spending 2 years writing the Real Time Canine, the adventure continues with The Real Time Canine II. Read along as I look for just the right puppy to continue the experience. After false starts with Tim and Jed, I am currently training young Tam, and Spot, which are both off to a strong start. Please visit the RTC II to read about training sessions as they occur.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Birth is the 1st Step to No Kill

Many folks talk a lot about pet overpopulation, myself included, but not near enough get up off their arses and work to solve the problem. Candy Shumann is one glaring example of someone who has done just that. In 1990, she co-founded
SNAP, the Spay Neuter Action Project, after witnessing countless strays being euthanized in a shelter where she volunteered.

20 years later, SNAP has neutered or spayed over 15,000 animals county-wide. But there is so much more to be done. On their website, SNAP states that to find a home for every stray cat and dog in the county, each household would have to accept 24 pets. Now that's just crazy, but we can do something about this. Oh yes we can! And I think this is a terrific project, and one that I plan to spend some time getting to know.

Here's some interesting facts for you: 71% of cats and kittens entering US animal shelters will be killed. 1 female dog and her offspring can produce 508 puppies in 7 years. 4.9 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters each and every year in this country. Had enough? There's more. 47% of cats surrendered to shelters are not neutered. 56% percent of dogs entering US animal shelters are killed. 30% of all dogs surrendered are pure-bred.

In 2003 and again in 2007, SNAP launched "Neuter Scooters." These big angels of mercy travel to low income neighborhoods and provide low-cost spay/neuter services right where they are needed most. I love, love, love this project! SNAP is a 501c3 charity that relies heavily on public donation, grants and corporate sponsorships. With only 2 paid employees, they also rely heavily on volunteers. In addition to affordable spay/neuter, they provide referral services to vets offering reduced rates, as well as classes and workshops. As if all that weren't enough, they also foster dogs and cats in need of a home.

Here's your chance to make a difference. Here's your chance to do a little something about a largely overlooked dirty little secret, I mean national tragedy. Donate or volunteer. I live in Valley Center. If you want to host a local event and need a co-host, let's get busy. Email me. Now this is something I can get really excited about.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. And accidental/irresponsible litters don't just happen in low income situations... But this is a great start!
