The Real Time Canine II

After spending 2 years writing the Real Time Canine, the adventure continues with The Real Time Canine II. Read along as I look for just the right puppy to continue the experience. After false starts with Tim and Jed, I am currently training young Tam, and Spot, which are both off to a strong start. Please visit the RTC II to read about training sessions as they occur.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Great Communications

Dexter stands about 9 inches at the shoulder weighing in at an impossibly small 6 pounds. That is my friend, Jan's Netbook to his left measuring a scant 8.5 x 11, or the same dimensions as notebook paper. "Notebook"...Netbook...Oh I get it now. I don't know what it weighs, but not much, less than a pound? It is about 3/4" thick at it's widest point, easier to carry than my purse, and infinitely more useful.

There is a function called "tethering" that, for a small fee to my cell provider, will allow me to access the internet from anywhere I get cell service, which really is just about anywhere these days. Via a USB cable between Jan's Netbook and my cell phone, I simply plug and play, I mean communicate online.

Once on the road in about a week and a half  (11 days, 12 hours & 47 minutes) to my upcoming dog trials, I'll be able to blog, Skype, answer email, pay bills (they follow you now) and do everything else I normally do on a computer right from the comfort of my rolling Barbie house RV trailer. I'll be communicating effusively at every opportunity, and I plan to dish.

Of course little Dexter will be stuffed in there as well and is just about as effective at communication as Jan's Netbook. He rolls on his back when he wants to be scratched, or trying to guilt-trip me into taking him with me. He gives me imploring looks when I'm dressing for work. "Please don't go." He makes startling leaps against the back door when he wants in or out. He absolutely refuses to quit yapping at me until I figure out that he has to pee. He resolutely refuses to quit yapping at me until I remember that I forgot his breakfast...again. Sounding like a garbage disposal, he tells the big dogs, and poor little Jed, to knock it off with his most intimidating little-dog growl...oh, and the random neck shred. It's hard to misinterpret that one. And when intruders have breached the perimeter? Well, you can just imagine.

So, I'm all set to commune, and I'm so happy to be taking you with me. Dexter will be giving it what for at every opportunity, and I'll be doing likewise from Jan's Netbook. I love this stuff!

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