For me, SoHo is in the books for another year. My TV stuff is done, I helped out at Shriner's Hospital, 5 demos staged, 2 consistently mediocre trial runs completed, and I'm on my way to Meeker by way of the Strang Ranch in Carbondale, CO.
Jed and Star seizing the day
You absolutely cannot fault this trial in any way. The running is challenging, scenery spectacular, camaraderie at its best, stiff competition and gloriously gracious trial hosts. Howard and Mark are as good as it gets. I can't thank them enough for e v e r y t h i n g...
Patrick Shanahan and Ruben.
I made some new friends, and got re-acquainted with some old, and very dear ones. I have really missed some of these folks and it was indescribably enjoyable to re-connect. Watch out for Ron Enzeroth and Allen Mills when you see them. You know those Texas boyz... Albert Stern introduced me to Josef Rais, both from Switerzerland. What a pleasure to have them here. Love, love, love the international scene. Wilda Bahr made my heart soar when she made the double lift with Liz. Way to go girlfriend! And I had forgotten why I like Peter and Pam Gonnett so much, but was reminded immediately when I saw them. Nice, nice folks. Lyle Lad really does have a husband. I met him. Your wife is right, Matt, you are adorable. I hung with Jenny and Scot Glen one afternoon on the VIP deck. What a great couple they make. She's good for him, you know. Jo Ann Zoerb made the finals with Mik today, and I had a blast with she and Ian at the welcome party. Amanda too, who brought her brother along for part of the trip. Nice to meet you Billy.
Jed wearing out his weclome at the souvenier booth
I met some subscribers to the RTC. Can you belive it? That was so fun, and my friend, Jan, who was in town stopped by and kept me company. I just love that woman. The demos gave me an opportunity to meet and talk to many nice folks, and I was able to incorporate the Western Border Collie rescue into shows. Those hard-working volunteers have found homes for 600 Border Collie dogs in the last 7 years. Amazing!
Dexter with the Salt Lake Scots
For the 15 qualifiers, tomorrow is a brand new day, and I wish them all the best luck. The rest of us are plotting our next move, which for most includes Meeker. My plan is to get out in the morning early, swoop into Meeker and drop my trailer. If I get there early enough, I may detour up to Steamboat Springs, about 2 hours Northeast, and try to get Star entered in tomorrow afternoon's Ranch class. Wouldn't that be fun? From there I go to Strang Ranch to school my dogs, ride Bridget's jumpers, and teach a clinic. After that, it's back to Meeker Wednesday night for Thursday running. I tried to cram as much living into my 16 days of freedom as possible. I may have overdone it, but oh well. I'm young and strong...well strong anyway.
Vickie Close at her booth. Her photographic art was used for this year's SoHo poster
Thanks for the exciting updates. You ARE young! Safe travels.