The Real Time Canine II

After spending 2 years writing the Real Time Canine, the adventure continues with The Real Time Canine II. Read along as I look for just the right puppy to continue the experience. After false starts with Tim and Jed, I am currently training young Tam, and Spot, which are both off to a strong start. Please visit the RTC II to read about training sessions as they occur.

Monday, January 10, 2011



While serving in Afghanistan, Sgt. Terry Young and other soldiers stationed with him, adopted 3 stray dogs they named Rufus, Sasha and Target. With the intent of murdering soldiers, in February, 2010, a suicide bomber walked onto the rough border patrol encampment the men called home. Sensing a threat, the 3 strays attacked the would-be murderer, and saved the soldier's lives, including Terry's, who volunteered to bring her back to the states and give her a loving home with he and his family in Arizona. Target was rescued from Afghanistan by a joint effort between the Hope for the Warriors Foundation, Puppy Rescue Mission, and Nowzad Dogs. After all that, tragedy struck again when 11 months later, Target got out of her backyard and was turned over to the Pinal County Animal Control where she was mistakenly euthanized only 2 days later and just before Terry came looking for her.

Even after life, Target will go right on saving lives. This time, though, it will be animal lives. As a result of her killing, there has been a huge outcry to reform our shelter system and Target's story has made it's way across the country. In addition, the Young family has founded Targets' Bunker, "A safe haven for all animals." Here is their mission:

"Target's Bunker provides a safe haven for animals of all kinds, focusing on rescuing dogs and cats from kill shelters while operating with the upmost level of integrity and loving care."

In the mean time, USA Today Newpaper is having a Top Hero Dog of 2010 contest, and Target is among the 5 finalists, leading the contest with 58% of the vote. Please click here to vote for her, or another of the 4 finalists. Click on the dog's picture to learn about them, then click on the star by their name to vote. Sometimes something amazing can come from something so tragic that it's beyond comprehension. That's the way God does it some times. I hope you will see His hand in this, and make a donation to Target's Bunker. It's a good cause in remembrance of a wonderful life.

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